As I experience life as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, I am constantly challenged.

I am an emotional person!

I cry at every sappy movie, I physically empathize with the suffering, I get super excited at weddings, maybe more so than the bride herself, I get frustrated to the point of wanting to punch things, I can't sleep when babies are about to be born, and I uncontrollably talk out loud during tense and awkward scenes at the movies.
I experience life with my whole being... my own life, the lives of my loved ones, the lives of fictional characters on the big screen...

Lately, I find myself wondering, "Am I really experiencing LIFE the way I want to?"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

When to buy ORGANIC

It wasn't until I started feeding my son his first foods when I really became concerned about we were putting into our bodies. I was overwhelmed at first...Which foods should be organic? All, some, anything we could afford? I kind of just went with what was available until I learned about the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Dirty Dozen list which is listed above. This has been an extremely helpful tool for me when I shop for my produce. Sure organic foods can be more costly, but why not invest in our own health and the health of our young children? It may be one of the most important investments we could make.

Buying organic produce is not a trend, it is a necessity when it comes to the Dirty Dozen. I encourage you to print out or write down the Dirty Dozen list and bring it with you when you shop until you memorize it. If you have an I-Phone you can even download the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen App to your phone at

Recent research results about the harmful effects of pesticides on our health, particularly in children, is a motivating factor for me to feed my children organic produce. The latest research has found a link between pesticides consumption and ADHD.

If research is already proving links between pesticide consumption and ADHD, I am sure there will be more findings in the future that will disturb us and reinforce our efforts to feed our children and ourselves organic when we can.

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