As I experience life as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, I am constantly challenged.

I am an emotional person!

I cry at every sappy movie, I physically empathize with the suffering, I get super excited at weddings, maybe more so than the bride herself, I get frustrated to the point of wanting to punch things, I can't sleep when babies are about to be born, and I uncontrollably talk out loud during tense and awkward scenes at the movies.
I experience life with my whole being... my own life, the lives of my loved ones, the lives of fictional characters on the big screen...

Lately, I find myself wondering, "Am I really experiencing LIFE the way I want to?"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Summer All Year Long?

I've found myself mourning the loss of summer as July quickly approaches its end. On one hand, I think how silly that is since we do still have over a month to enjoy the "summer mentality", but August is like walking down a quiet country road and then you take one turn and BAM! September begins and you are standing in Times Square. Although you enjoy what you see and the energy is exciting, you immediately begin to navigate your way through the hustle and bustle as people move in all different directions. September brings just that, a whole lot of hustle and a whole lot of bustle.
Regardless, the question remains, why do I dread the end summer so badly? Of course the bbq's out back and the trips to the beach are great, but what I love most about summer time is that it is a well known fact that summer = relaxation. Because of that universal voice (one that i HAVE TO listen to), I am so much more forgiving of myself in the summer time. Sure why not eat ice cream before lunch, it's summer! Ahh, the bathrooms don't need to be cleaned that badly, I'll get to it later... relax Beck, it's summer! Put your feet up as much as you can Beck, it's summer!
But in the back of head my, there is a ticking clock and it is telling me that this will all be over soon, so I better take it all in...hence this end of summer anxiety.
My goal is to try to take some of this summer mentality with me as the new schedules, the new routines, and the new demands on my time commence. Maybe, just maybe, then I won't fear the end of summer so badly. I'll still miss the weather and the outdoor fun, but in terms of being easier on myself and taking time to kick back, I'm gonna try to keep that "summer mentality" with me all year long.

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